I'm very excited to announce that we are back in the clinic for in-person consultations! We are not out of the woods yet when it comes to the pandemic, so online or phone appointments are still preferred to keep everyone safe. However, I know many people prefer real face-to-face interaction, especially when it comes to something as personal as health.
In order to mitigate any risk, there is a slew of new precautions that have been put into place at the clinic. These practices are in-line with the guidance provided by the Government of Ontario, and the regulatory bodies of the professionals at the clinic (College of Naturopaths of Ontario, in my case)
You will be given a COVID screening questionnaire by phone prior to your appointment, as well as when you come in.
Masks are mandatory in the clinic for patients and practitioners. Please bring your own, or you may purchase one from us for $1.
We are limiting the number of clients in the waiting room to 2 people. You may be asked to wait outside or in your car until we call you in.
You will be asked to use hand sanitizer, and your temperature will be taken with a touchless thermometer prior to being invited into the treatment area.
We are taking extra time to sanitize all touched surfaces between clients, and limiting how many clients are in the clinic at once.
All expected personal sanitation practices and PPE requirements will be consistently and meticulously met.
This is definitely as strange new normal, and it will take time for everyone to get used to it. We are infinitely appreciative of your patience and cooperation.